• Yunu for

    Let imaging become your advantage.

Eliminate errors, dramatically cut costs,
​and never miss a trial deadline again.

Yunu is the world’s only cloud-based source imaging data system with accurate, real-time, 
and harmonized results across all trial stakeholders.


Proven to reduce imaging assessment errors at cancer centers from 50% of all exams, to 2% or less.


Delivers 60-minute study start-up.


Removes 80% of project management, monitoring, and site staff work while accelerating assessments by 50%.


Replaces 7+ disparate point systems, reduces trial imaging costs by 50%, with no markup on readers.

Home to over 5,000 active trials connected to
8000+ trial sites and 400 sponsors 

With Yunu, Sponsors move beyond the status quo


Standardize on an imaging data platform for consistent collection across all trials
and sites.


Protect imaging data from the moment the patient leaves the scanner until it's included in the data lock.


Connect to qualified reading groups to complete imaging assessments when resources are constrained.


Ensure accuracy of site imaging assessments when current site systems and  manual workflows cannot.

Profound value for Pharma

Trial Imaging.

You knew there must be a better way. Now there is.

Schedule a demo!
​Learn how Yunu can transform your site eligibility assessments.

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Yunu is ideal for connecting internal data science and computer vision initiatives to real-time imaging data acquired during in-flight clinical trials. The platform can powerfully run early-phase imaging clinical trials where solutions are often unavailable on tight timelines. Regarding late-stage trials, sponsors can codify the Yunu platform into the imaging trial protocols to ensure visibility and accuracy.

Book a time with us
to see how Yunu
  • Connects clinical communities
  • Retains trial patients
  • Ensures accuracy and consistency

  • Unifies multi-site trials

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er of the Yunu team will reach out to you shortly!

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