Blog by Lori

The Seven Solvable​ Challenges of Clinical Trials
Innovation is soaring in new cancer therapies, with clinical trials increasing significantly over the past ten years1. From staffing shortages and protocol variance to measurement errors, the potential challenges are many. While some problems are unavoidable, many could be solved...
11.10.23 03:19 PM - Comment(s)
Increasing Access to Clinical Trials is a Key Step in Solving Diversity & Inclusion Challenges

Clinical trials are an essential part of developing and validating new oncology therapies. They can bring incredible opportunities for survival to patients who are not responding to traditional treatment. Unfortunately, most trials today are limited to a few select hospitals. They’re rarely found at...

11.10.23 03:19 PM - Comment(s)
Yunu opens the Yunuverse, increasing trial access for patients and solving staffing challenges for cancer centers, pharma, and CRO customers.
Yunu opens the Yunuverse, increasing trial access for patients and solving staffing challenges for cancer centers, pharma, and CRO customers.
28.03.23 07:51 AM - Comment(s)
First Analysis invests in Yunu, a multi-site clinical trials imaging workflow platform.
29.09.22 10:22 AM - Comment(s)